2024 Omega Home Network Conference

I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Indianapolis for the annual home for the dying conference. The days and the nights were long, but I’m entirely refreshed on many levels. It was impressive to meet others at various stages of development with their own homes. The education topics and presentation styles were dynamic.

Over ninety Network members and supporters gathered, all with unique flavors of hospice homes and at different stages of project development. We heard from speakers such as Omega Home Network Founder and President Kelley Scott, USA Today’s Woman of the Year Tina McIntosh, artist and educator Teresa Vasquez, and non-profit consultant Kristen Schunk Moreland.

Now, on the city bus on my way to the airport, I’m thinking of you—the Inhora community—and your “light on a hill” example. We are living in a throw-away culture in which only “profitable” members of society are welcome. Ageism and ableism are rampant. Rather than coming alongside those who are suffering, the medical industry is pushing physician assisted suicide and institutionalization of the dying.

But Inhora, like the rising sun, is beginning to shine in this darkness.

I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned. I can’t wait for our doors to open. Albuquerque is just around from the corner from a great “light” and doesn’t quite know it yet. Our little, grassroots home with a big mission and even larger hearts is about to change lives through compassionate care of the dying, education of our community, and re-igniting healthcare through person-centered care.


Putting Our Home in Perspective


Our Case for Support!