Merry Christmas from Inhora

As a thank you, we want to share these Christmas images from around the world plus a few Hannukah pieces.

Art credits (top, left to right):

Our Lady of Korsun Tenderness Icon

Mina Anton - Nativity of Christ

Gerard van Honthorst - Adoration of the Shepherds

Kim Hueng Jong - Christmas Scene

Father John Battista Giuliani - Hopi Madonna and Child

Father John Battista Giuliani - Nazereth

Unknown - Nativity Mural in Nicaragua

Angelo da Fonseca - Nativity

Yossi Rosenstein - Hanukkah

Joseph ha-Zarefiti - from Cervera Bible

Moritz Daniel Oppenheim - Kindling of Hanukkah Lights


The Garden of Death: Reflections