A home for every person at the hour of death.

A nonprofit hospice home with 24/7 caregiving inspired by Catholic values. Services are free thanks to donors & volunteers. Located in Albuquerque, NM.

Like you, we’re tired of the culture dehumanizing the dying.

Three Easy Ways to Make a Difference

1. Volunteer

Provide both direct and indirect caregiving to effectively support the needs of the individual requiring assistance.

3. Donate Wishlist Items

Make a meaningful impact in the lives of those nearing death by giving practically.

2. Support Financially

Every dollar make a difference. Our donors are as important as our volunteers.

“Hospice care is an affirmation of life that focuses on comfortable, pain-free care when a loved one is faced with a terminal illness. Everyone deserves a place to be taken care of and comforted at the end of life.”

Kelly Grice

Executive Director of Adobe Hospice in New Mexico

“The parable of the Good Samaritan shows what the relationship with the suffering neighbor should be…and what qualities should be embraced – attention, listening, understanding, compassion, and discretion.”

– “Samaritanus Bonus” by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the care of persons in the critical and terminal phases of life, September 22, 2020

Join Others. Give Today.

Join Others. Give Today.

You don’t want your neighbors or family to end up in a disorienting, noisy environment, alone. And you know that the healthcare system is overly burdened and really shouldn’t be caring for the dying.

There is another path.

You can transform this experience by providing a comforting, dignified home for those nearing death.